On the face of it, this was a simple request - create a boundary that is in keeping with the area and not too 'in your face' - simple. Don't believe it for a second, here's Tim's Story...

Tim has been a client for a few years now and for reasons unbeknown to anyone, would frequently have strangers walk up his garden asking to see his house. It's a nice house but not a grand chateau so Tim was always a little perplexed as to why this would happen. Eventually he had had enough and asked us if we could erect a fence in order to define the boundary but it was important that it not be a big blocky barrier.
Wood was immediately decided upon as it was a natural product, softer than any stone or block and much more aesthetically pleasing than a wire fence. He also decided, in order to further soften the boundary, that a hedge was needed too - sturdy and easily maintained.
This seemed the simplest of tasks as Tim knew what he wanted and we just had to get the materials: let me introduce the first hurdle. This was summer 2021 and raw materials were difficult to impossible to get hold of due to a shortage of everything, everywhere. We contacted several suppliers who said they were out of stock of this type of fencing and would neither give a date for new stock arrivals nor a price - except to say it would most likely be 20-25% higher than the last delivery.

After much searching we managed to find a supplier with materials in stock and so the project could begin: let me introduce the second hurdle. The lay of the land was such that it not only curved but it was on a slope meaning there was not a single straight line of sight to be had anywhere.
Fortunately our highly adaptable team soon worked out that but raising the fence one wrung at a time they were able to circumnavigate the rise in the land which was the more troublesome of the two issues.

The proximity to the road threw up a few hair-raising moments but after several days the fence was finally completed.
With the fence nicely positioned and secured in place, it was the turn of the planting team to come in and work their magic.
It would require close to 50 plants to cover this length and as the soil here was so poor, the holes needed to be large enough to fill with some good quality soil.
With the job completed we had one very happy customer who is now finally hoping to have some privacy!